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AustraliaJim Chalmers, the treasurer, demands a stop to "political games" as the...

Jim Chalmers, the treasurer, demands a stop to “political games” as the Senate blocks the housing policy legislation

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Jim Chalmers, the treasurer, has urged an end to “political games” after the government’s prominent housing program encountered opposition.

In order to pass the bill before Thursday at 1pm, the government proposed a motion on Wednesday to limit Senate discussion to the $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund.

However, in the midst of continued negotiations, the Coalition and One Nation teamed up with the Greens and independent Senator David Pocock to defeat the hours motion 42 to 23.

If approved, the Housing Australia Future Fund would support the construction of 30,000 new affordable and social housing units over a five-year period.

In an interview on Sunday, Mr. Chalmers promoted the government’s “really comprehensive” plan to address the country’s housing issues.

Additionally, he pleaded with the Senate to approve the Housing Australia Future Fund.

We must ensure that this crucial component of our program is in place, but in addition, he continued, “we have new tax breaks for build-to-rent properties to build more reasonably priced rental properties.”

“We have an agreement to prolong the $1.6 billion housing and homelessness accord with the states. This boost in commonwealth rent assistance is the largest in 30 years.

We have a wide choice of components that make up a really complete housing solution.

The Coalition’s position was defended by Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor, who termed the program a “Ponzi scheme” and demanded a proper plan.

“Labor’s housing policy will make almost no relevant contribution to the numbers of houses required here over the coming years,” said Mr. Taylor.

“It’s little, and the entire program is a Ponzi scam, which, to be honest, won’t provide the results required to address this issue.

“As a result, immigration requires a good strategy and a managed approach. That wasn’t what this budget offered.

The 5.5 million renters in Australia are reportedly living in appalling conditions, and the Green Party has accused the government of trying to “gag debate” in this regard.

The measure did not include an increased guaranteed spend on public and affordable housing, according to Max Chandler-Mather, the party’s housing spokesman.

A statement from Mr. Chandler-Mather on Wednesday said, “We’re in a once-in-a-generation housing crisis and the government playing politics with housing in the Senate shows they don’t understand or don’t care that people are stuck in housing hell.”

“We advised the government not to introduce the Bill until they had a concrete plan for tenants and a higher guaranteed spend on public and affordable housing. Instead, after only 45 minutes of debate, they attempted to force it through.

“Our message to Labor is that if you work with the states to get a freeze on rent increases and guarantee 5 billion to build public and truly affordable housing, we will pass this bill right away,”

The only cross-bench support for the government came from the Jacqui Lambie Network.





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