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AustraliaMelbourne jails a man who drugged a lady and raped her 67...

Melbourne jails a man who drugged a lady and raped her 67 times

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A migration agent was sentenced to nearly three decades in prison after drugging a lady and raping her 67 times while she was asleep.

Judge Trevor Wraight of the County Court imposed a 29-year prison term on Frank Hu, 38, on Friday.

Hu entered a guilty plea to eight counts of rape, three counts of sexual assault, three counts of intentional infliction of bodily harm, and one count of carelessly inflicting significant bodily harm for offenses involving seven women.

He typically met his victims through businesses he ran out of a Little Collins Street location in the heart of Melbourne. He would then drug them either while they were at work or after setting up job interviews with them.

He contacted ambulances four times for the women he had drugged as their situations worsened.

One patient required CPR and defibrillation to revive her after going into cardiac arrest, and she spent two days in intensive care.

Two of the women were raped by him—one twice and the other 67 times.

The judge declared, “Your offending is appalling and must be condemned in the strongest terms.”

Australian Border Force agents inspected Hu’s phone at Melbourne Airport after he arrived from abroad, and they discovered his offense.

Victoria Police received pictures of unconscious or semi-conscious women being sexually assaulted, but the inquiry stalled because they were unable to identify the victims.

However, one of the women reported to authorities that Hu had allegedly sexually assaulted her in late 2018.

In 2019, one lady reported Hu had drugged her and she had called the police.

When she entered onto his computer, she discovered that he was a subscriber to a website where individuals uploaded videos of sleeping or unconscious women being sexually assaulted.

She snapped pictures of Hu’s posted pictures, some of which featured her.

Another woman, who had known Hu for more than five years, learned that between 2016 and 2019, he had captured 1369 photos and 195 recordings of her while she was asleep.

Hu had already informed her of several women who had fallen ill at work.
She had said, “It can’t be a coincidence.” “Perhaps it was just bad luck,” he retorted.

Hu, the son of a military officer and a police officer who was raised in central China, immigrated to Australia to pursue a career in higher education.

He admitted to his psychiatrist that he had grown to have a passion for comatose and sedated ladies.

It “opened up the wrong door in my brain… and I disregarded their safety” the first time he had sex with an unconscious lady.

According to Judge Wraight, it was evident that he accepted full responsibility for his behavior and that he felt guilt, self-loathing, dread, and disgust for what he had done.

He claimed, however, that he was unable to feel sympathy for his victims’ particularly horrific experiences.

Hu must spend at least 22 years of the sentence, he commanded. Hu had already been incarcerated for three and a half years.






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