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AustraliaCase against the man accused of killing campers Russell Hill and Carol...

Case against the man accused of killing campers Russell Hill and Carol Clay might be postponed

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Due to financing concerns and a battle by his attorney to exclude key pieces of evidence, the trial of a former airline pilot accused of killing Melbourne campers Russell Hill and Carol Clay may be postponed.

In October of this year, the Victorian Supreme Court was scheduled to hold a trial for 56-year-old Greg Lynn on two murder-related charges.

However, his attorney Dermot Dann KC requested that the trial date be postponed until 2024 on Thursday after bringing up funding concerns in the case.

He predicted that it would take some time to fix the problem.

Additionally, Dann stated that Lynn’s defence would be requesting the exclusion of 15 pieces of evidence, including the transcript of the interview “and basically everything that flows thereafter” from the prosecution’s case.

In November 2021, Lynn was questioned by police over the course of four days.

Along with information from a secretly recorded discussion and statement he gave to police in July 2020, the complete specifics of his police interrogation have also been withheld.

According to Dann, it would take over a week to play the nine and a half-hour interview in court.

Additionally, he suggested possible interlocutory challenges against rulings about the exclusion of evidence, which would delay the start of a trial.

John Dickie, the prosecutor, expressed worry about the holdup.

“The prosecution is keen to have trial as it is at the moment, but if it’s unavoidable it’s unavoidable,” he stated.

According to Dann, it is.

The murder of the campers, whose missing persons case became one of Australia’s most well-known criminal tales in March 2020, was filed against Lynn in November 2021.

On March 20 of that year, as they were all camping out in the isolated Wonnangatta district of Victoria’s alpine highlands, Lynn, 56, is accused of killing the couple.

In custody, Lynn will appear in court on June 22 for a new hearing on instructions via video connection.






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