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AustraliaDuring the Voice campaign, millions were allocated to support Indigenous Australians' mental...

During the Voice campaign, millions were allocated to support Indigenous Australians’ mental health

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

During the Voice campaign, the federal government will invest over $10 million to increase mental health support for First Nations people.

The money is a part of a $364 million package that will be used to deliver the Voice to Parliament referendum on whether to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the constitution.

The Australian Electoral Commission will utilise the majority of the funds to help with the referendum process, including $10 million to distribute Yes and No information pamphlets to every household in the country.

For the duration of the campaign, which is anticipated to last from October to December, $10 million will be given to the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation.

The Mayi Kuwayu research team at the Australian National University will receive an additional $500,000 to keep track on how well communities are doing at this time.

The federal government is aware of the “difficult impact” the campaign is having on Indigenous Australians, according to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who spoke on Breakfast.

“Some of the things that are being said in this debate are hurtful,” he declared.

We have been aware of the fact that when the postal vote on marriage equality was held, members in that group felt pressured as well.

$12 million will be allocated to the Museum of Australian Democracy and the National Indigenous Australian Agency (NIAA) to create politically-neutral educational resources about how to take part in the referendum.

A wide understanding of Australia’s constitution is required, according to Minister for Indigenous Australians Linda Burney, in part because many people won’t be familiar with the referendum process.

The NIAA has received an additional $5 million for consultation, policy, and delivery in the run-up to the referendum.





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