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AustraliaDomenic Perre, a 1994 NCA bomber, passes away after serving his sentence

Domenic Perre, a 1994 NCA bomber, passes away after serving his sentence

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The perpetrator of the 1994 bombing of the National Crime Authority in Adelaide has passed away.

Midway through April, Domenic Perre was moved from the Yatala Prison Infirmary to the Royal Adelaide Hospital. The next night, he may have had a heart attack.

The 65-year-old received a mandatory life sentence for the bombing last year.

On March 2, 1994, a parcel bomb made and dispatched by Perre exploded in Detective Geoffrey Bowen’s CBD office, killing him.

Peter Wallis, a lawyer who passed away in 2018, was also hurt in the explosion and suffered severe burns and the loss of an eye.

The obligatory sentence for the 65-year-old’s murder and attempted murder was confirmed by Justice Kevin Nicholson in October 2022 in the South Australian Supreme Court.

Nicholson added 30 years and 7 months to Perre’s existing non-parole period because he was already incarcerated for drug-related charges.

Due to his inquiries into the family’s drug operation, the prosecution contended that Bowen was the target of a personal attack in the bombing.

The judge stated, “Mr. Perre wanted to kill Mr. Bowen but intended for the NCA bomb to do its job and kill whomever it did.”

Shortly after the bombing in 1994, Perre was charged with murder; however, these allegations were later withdrawn for lack of adequate evidence.

After a two-year collaborative investigation by many state and federal agencies, including the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, he was detained again in 2018.

Domenic Perre, a convicted NCA bomber, has recovered from heart surgery and is back in custody.





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