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AustraliaAfter a guy was fatally stabbed while celebrating his wife's birthday, a...

After a guy was fatally stabbed while celebrating his wife’s birthday, a murder accusation was filed

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After a guy was fatally stabbed while celebrating his wife’s birthday, a murder accusation was filed.

Two and a half hours east of Melbourne in Sale, Gippsland, 38-year-old Clint Allen was shot and killed as he made his way home.

A man was allegedly fatally stabbed while returning home from celebrating his wife’s birthday in Victoria’s east, and a murder charge has been filed.

Two and a half hours east of Melbourne in Sale, Gippsland, on his way home in the early hours of yesterday, Clint Allen, 38, was slain.

Late Friday night, police made the announcement that a 20-year-old Sale man had been charged with Allen’s murder.

A man was walking home after celebrating his wife’s birthday when he was fatally stabbed on a suburban road in east Victoria.Two and a half hours east of Melbourne in Sale, Gippsland, 38-year-old Clint Allen was shot and killed as he made his way home.

He was detained until he could appear in Sale Magistrates’ Court today.

About one in the morning yesterday, police were called to the area outside the Criterion Hotel, close to the intersection of York and MacAlister streets, after learning that a man had been stabbed following an incident.

Allen was given first aid by officers while waiting for medical personnel, but he passed away there.

Allen had come to the hotel to commemorate the birthday of his wife.

Police are still looking into the specifics of the stabbing’s circumstances.

A man was walking home after celebrating his wife’s birthday when he was fatally stabbed on a suburban road in east Victoria.Two and a half hours east of Melbourne in Sale, Gippsland, 38-year-old Clint Allen was shot and killed as he made his way home.






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