20.8 C

AustraliaSingle parent benefits will continue until the youngest child turns 14

Single parent benefits will continue until the youngest child turns 14

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ


Anthony Albanese, the prime minister, announced today that the single-parent allowance will be extended until the youngest kid reaches the age of 14.

He was addressing in advance of tomorrow’s federal budget, which the government claims will include a number of initiatives to ameliorate the crisis brought on by rising living expenses.

The payout is currently only available to single parents whose youngest kid is under the age of eight.

The prime minister claimed that the age of 14 was the “right balance” despite a taskforce created by the federal government last year recommending that the maximum age be established at 16.

When a kid reaches the age of 14, Albanese stated, “they start to gain more independence and don’t need the same level of support at home that a younger child does.”

Eight was much too little. An eight-year-old needs their parent or caregiver to prepare dinner for them and take care of them. A 14-year-old begins to transition into today’s society and into adulthood.

Until their youngest kid turns 14, parents will continue to receive the greater support, with a current base rate of $922.10 per fortnight (95 percent of the Age Pension).

Amounts for eligible single parents who are currently using JobSeeker will increase to $176.90 per fortnight as a result of the adjustments announced today.

According to Albanese, the adjustments will cost $1.9 billion over the following two years.

More than 57,000 single principle carers, more than 90% of whom are single moms, will receive greater financial assistance as a result of the age restriction being raised.

“Single parents bear the weight of the world. They give up so much to provide a better life for their kids, Albanese remarked.

Giving them the increased protection and improved support they merit is the goal here.

In order to help them transition to employment when their children are older, the government stated that recipients of the single parent stipend will still be obliged to engage in job, education, or training.






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