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AustraliaScott Morrison, a former prime minister, has joined the Center for New...

Scott Morrison, a former prime minister, has joined the Center for New American Security’s advisory board to offer his “insights and expertise”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The Center for a New American Security, a think tank in Washington, has approved Scott Morrison’s application for an advisory position.

Following the Coalition government’s election defeat in May 2022, Mr. Morrison’s future has become a hot issue, with many people speculating that he will step down before the year is up.

Richard Fontaine, CEO of CNAS, welcomed the news and praised the former leader’s accomplishments while serving as prime minister from 2018 to 2022.

Mr. Fontaine praised Mr. Morrison’s management of the coronavirus epidemic, calling it one of the best in the world.

“As Prime Minister, Scott Morrison led his country’s efforts to deal with an increasingly aggressive China,” he added. “Scott Morrison spearheaded the landmark AUKUS defense agreement.”

His perspectives and experience, as the newest member of the CNAS Board of Advisors, will enrich the Center’s research and work. We anticipate his contributions.

In addition, the statement, which was released by CNAS, emphasized Mr. Morrison’s participation in the Quad Leaders Dialogue and his founding membership in the trilateral AUKUS defence accord.

This week, there have been rumors that Mr. Morrison may be thinking about working in the British defense industry.

According to a source, the position Mr. Morrison is vying for is “in the AUKUS space based out of the UK” and would need him to visit once a month.

When prompted for response, Mr. Morrison told Nine Newspapers that he was “very engaged with things in my local electorate and enjoying being back in my local community”.

Mr. Morrison has not stated a date for his intended departure from the Parliament despite this new unpaid appointment.

According to Peter Dutton, Morrison has not signaled that he plans to leave Canberra any time soon.

On Tuesday, a particular question was posed to the head of the Liberal Party: “Has Scott Morrison told you he’s resigning from parliament soon?”

“He hasn’t, no. Scott and I had supper together the other night,” said Mr. Dutton.

He is a renowned former prime minister of our nation, thus he should decide what his own future will be like.

If it’s required, he can address that at the proper time by saying something.

Since 2007, Mr. Morrison has served as the Cook district’s representative in Sydney’s south.





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