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AustraliaWA mother sentenced to life in prison for the murder and burning...

WA mother sentenced to life in prison for the murder and burning of her three children

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A mother who killed her three children by stabbing, strangling, and suffocating them before setting their bodies afire has been given a life sentence with a 25-year minimum non-parole period.

After killing her 10-year-old daughter and two sons—aged seven and four months—at the family’s Port Hedland house in July of last year, Margaret Dale Hawke, 36, entered a plea to three counts of murder.

She was given a sentence on Friday in Perth’s Supreme Court for the three murders and one count of arson criminal damage.

Hawke killed her children violently, violating the most basic responsibilities of a parent, according to Justice Michael Lundberg.

According to testimony given in court, Hawke stabbed her daughter eight times in the chest and heart before strangling her with an electrical cable.

Her seven-year-old son was also stabbed and strangled by her.

He had injuries to his neck and three stab wounds in his chest when he was discovered.

Hawke attempted to drown her young son but failed, so she choked him instead before making her way to the beach to throw away the knife.

She walked out into the street as it was engulfed in flames after returning to the family house where her deceased children lay.

She watched it burn, and a witness said she was “really calm” throughout.

He’s taken everything from me, another person overheard her saying.

Then Hawke yelled out, “My babies, my babies,” and wailed. You are no longer required to endure pain.

The attempt by members of the public to enter the house and save the kids was unsuccessful because it was too risky.

Before confessing to starting the fire, Hawke told authorities that she had run out of options for helping her kids.

“My three children… I harmed my children. She confessed, “I did it to my babies.

The fire was put out by firefighters.

The body of Hawke’s older son was discovered in a room at the front of the residence, lying on a mattress.

Her other son and daughter were discovered in a room in the back.

After being brought to the hospital, Hawke acknowledged that she had killed her kids.

“I’m not sure why I acted the way I did. In an interview with police following the incident, she said, “Maybe to stop the pain in all of us,” the court was informed.

Two ignition locations in the house were used intentionally to start the fire, according to an arson investigation.

Since none of the kids had soot in their respiratory systems, it is likely they passed away before the fire was started.

She received a concurrent sentence of two years and eight months in prison for the arson.







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