26 C

Friday, 2025-2-28 8:24:36

AustraliaA Sydney high school teacher admits to recording female students in the...

A Sydney high school teacher admits to recording female students in the classroom covertly

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A Sydney high school teacher who was accused of secretly photographing female students has admitted guilt.

Eric Wong, a science teacher at Cammeraygal High School, has acknowledged to inappropriately and without permission recording young girls.

The 28-year-old has been expelled from the institution and is no longer permitted to interact with students, lecture, advise, or record online tutorials for his YouTube channel.

When a 16-year-old girl came forward in December 2022 and admitted to the school that her instructor had attempted to record her while she filled out a survey at his workbench after class, Wong was apprehended.

A few days later, he was detained. Officers allegedly discovered 90 films of female students in grades 10 through 12 on his laptop, which he had secretly recorded up their skirts and down their blouses while doing experiments.

Then the police seized another computer, where they found 300 similar photos.

According to the prosecution, “forensic analysis of video files demonstrates brazen, predatory, and opportunistic behavior.”

The school has placed Wong on indefinite leave without pay while the police inquiry is ongoing.

The NSW Department of Education issued a statement saying, “We are deeply concerned by this matter and relieved it is nearing a conclusion in the courts.”

Since the allegations were first made, “We have been collaborating closely with NSW Police. The teacher was fired from the school on the spot and placed on unpaid leave ever since his arrest.

“Students at the school have access to wellbeing support,” the statement reads. “The safety and welfare of students are our top priorities.”

Wong will be punished the following week after entering a guilty plea to two offenses.






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