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AustraliaFollowing the simultaneous killings of her husband and ex, a Melbourne woman...

Following the simultaneous killings of her husband and ex, a Melbourne woman was found guilty of murder

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Glen Cassidy carried a single bullet and a strategy when he went to the residence of his wife’s ex-boyfriend.

Michael Caposiena was killed when he pulled the trigger.

Due to the fact that Cassidy’s victim fatally stabbed him with a knife in the closing minutes of his life, he was never put on trial for murder.

A jury has found Cassidy’s wife guilty of Caposiena’s murder after the prosecution contended that she made a plan and an agreement with her new husband.

It was 1999, and Biannca Edmunds was 29.
Her attorney Sharon Lacy argued before the Victorian Supreme Court on Friday that she was not the motivation for the crime.

Ten days before to the murder on March 3, Edmunds had knowledge of what was about to happen, the attorney said.

Cassidy had informed her, “You know what I’m doing when you’re away.”

She had plenty of time to change her mind and prevent Cassidy from carrying out her plan while she was in Darwin, but none of those things were done, according to the evidence presented in court.

Discussions about the murder in intercepted phone calls were characterized as “matter of fact” by Justice Lex Lasry.

“I’ve heard a lot of phone calls that were recorded. None of them quite as quiet as hers, he added, adding that he had noticed it upon first hearing them.

They were intercut with conversations about common problems.

Lacy acknowledged that the judge might conclude that she was consoling and boosting Cassidy’s morale while they pursued an arrangement.

But she added that Justice Lasry wasn’t confident Edmunds was giving him instructions on what to do or how to do it.

During the hearing of the “evil” deed done upon their son, brother, and uncle, Caposiena’s family spoke.

His mother Saccorsa remarked, “I can’t remember what it feels like to not be tired and not to grieve.”

Every week, she weeps at his grave and imagines his last moments every day.
“I ponder the dread he must have experienced upon realizing his vulnerability. She said, “I wish I could have saved him.

He lost the chance to create a family with the guy she had chosen to spend the rest of her life with, according to his partner Silvana Silva, who was assaulted during the incident.

On the eve of their deaths, Cassidy and Caposiena had a conversation through a locked security door.

Cassidy begged to shake Caposiena’s hand, who had answered the door brandishing a knife, and she consented to unlock it.

Cassidy entered the house and raised the weapon to Caposiena’s head.

The moment the fatal shot was fired, he was pressing the knife against Cassidy’s stomach.

Before a unanimous verdict was reached in December 2022, Edmunds was tried three times.

The hearing before sentencing resumes.






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