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AustraliaPremier reacts to warnings about adolescent criminality by refusing to grant bail...

Premier reacts to warnings about adolescent criminality by refusing to grant bail to a teen involved in a fatal Queensland automobile accident

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The youngster detained in connection with a crash that killed three ladies made a bid for freedom as Queensland’s leader acknowledged that it is hard to totally eradicate youth criminality but vowed that her administration is attempting to do so.

The announcement was made by Annastacia Palaszczuk as the town of Maryborough, located north of Brisbane, continued to come together in the wake of the terrible collision that left three ladies dead and another in critical condition.

The 13-year-old Bundaberg kid who is accused of operating a stolen Mercedes that collided with the victims’ vehicles on the Fraser Coast was back in court today.


He will be imprisoned until his next court appearance in June after being denied bail in connection with the crash on Sunday.

The state’s premier issued a statement in response to growing efforts to address teenage crime.

“No one is going to stop youth crime, but we can do everything we can to curb the incidents of youth crime,” Palaszczuk added.


For the families of school graduate Kelsie Davies, 17, pastor Michale Chandler, 29, and nurse Sheree Robertson, 52, who all died in the crash, tougher new regulations that have just been passed are too late.

Liesa Latimer, Sheree’s sister, advocated for harsher penalties for juvenile offenders.

They are scurrying around believing they can get away with a lot, according to Latimer.

Cass Leedham, Sheree’s niece, adding, “They don’t care because there are no repercussions for what they do.

Michelle Gouge, the principal of Riverside Christian College, has also commented about the passing of Chandler and Davies, who was close to turning 18.

She remarked, “Keslie was a beautiful dancer.
“Everyone adored Michaele; she was a breath of fresh air.”

After the collision, Kaylah Behrens is still in an artificially-induced coma.

She is “a fighter,” according to friend and colleague pastor Darron Hayhoe, and her husband is holding out hope that she will survive.

He won’t leave her side until they leave the hospital together, according to Hayhoe.

Flags have been flying at half-mast at Maryborough Hospital since the crash.






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