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AustraliaAccording to a recent story, the men who survived the horrific plane...

According to a recent story, the men who survived the horrific plane crash in Western Australia fled via the window

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The miraculous men who survived a Boeing 737 crash in Western Australia were first stuck inside the flaming aircraft until they were able to open a window and escape.

A preliminary investigation report on the February crash included the new information.

The massive water bomber crashed in a rough area while tackling fires in Western Australia’s Fitzgerald River National Park.

In the south of Western Australia, crash investigators reconstructed Waterbomber 139’s final course, which showed the Coulson plane dropping quickly and flying at a speed of about 200 km/h.

The stick shaker warned the pilots that there was a problem when a noise suggested it.

According to aviation expert Tim Collins, “the stick shaker typically activates just before the aircraft actually stalls.”

The plane then crashed onto a ridgeline and caught fire.

According to Angus Mitchell of the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), the two pilots were miraculously able to escape the smoking wreck after being first trapped inside by a jammed cabin door.

Mitchell stated that it was “gratifying and remarkable” that both pilots were able to leave the plane through a cockpit window.
The timeline of Australia’s first 737 crash is revealed by the details.

On February 6, the team left Busselton to battle fires at Hopetoun, 600 kilometers distant.
The recordings from the burned black boxes have been forensically restored by the ATSB.

“Information from those recorders, interviews with the flight crew, a drone-generated 3D map of the crash site, and other recorded information will be crucial to the investigation,” Mitchell stated.

The miraculous men who survived a Boeing 737 crash in Western Australia were first stuck inside the flaming aircraft until they were able to open a window and escape.A preliminary investigation report on the February crash included the new information.

The flight data recorder reveals that the pilots tried to increase the throttle and draw back on the control yoke just before impact, but it was too late.

Collins indicated that if there had been an additional five seconds, the engines would have spooled up and he would have escaped punishment.

Although the preliminary report does not go into detail about the crash’s cause, it does note that Coulson waterbombers are now flying higher and faster to avoid another mishap.





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