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AustraliaBefore opening fire at a boxing competition in Melbourne, the suspected shooter...

Before opening fire at a boxing competition in Melbourne, the suspected shooter is said to have begged, “Bring my little friend “

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Just 90 minutes prior to the shooting at the Melbourne boxing match, one of the two men accused of murder allegedly texted the other, asking him to “bring my little friend” along.

Both Abdullah El Nasher and Osamma Allouche are on trial in Victoria’s Supreme Court for the murder of Benjamin Togiai on March 1, 2019, and have entered not guilty pleas.

El Nasher arrived at the Big Time Boxing event that evening about 8:00 pm with his two older brothers and other pals.

Others present at the gathering claim there was hostility between the men seated at table 28 and another group, which included Togiai and Omar Bchinnati, whom they are accused of trying to kill, seated at table 64.

El Nasher entered the space and then left it again, returning to his automobile while toting a black satchel. He allegedly returned to his car and arm himself there.

In order to go closer to the front of Melbourne Pavilion, where the event was taking place, El Nasher is seen on CCTV placing something in front of the bag, according to what the prosecutor said to the jury on Wednesday.

When he entered the building, a witness reported to the police that he appeared to clutch the bag in front of his stomach as if he were guarding something.

El Nasher allegedly used a different phone or had someone else text Allouche on his behalf after turning off or placing his phone on airplane mode.

Sydney Pavilion. 28. Reading from messages received at 8.36 p.m., Thomas added, “Come, and bring my little pal with you.

Allouche allegedly said “I’m on my way” in response to a call between the two phones.

The jury has been told that El Nasher was outside when Allouche came, and that the two men entered and exited the building many times before El Nasher crossed the street outside.

The groups at tables 28 and 64 were asked to leave by the event’s organizers, who were only identified as Mr. Gatto and Mr. Haddara, just before 10 o’clock.

“The prosecution alleges that those two men (El Nasher and Allouche) had an agreement, arrangement, or understanding that they would shoot a person or persons from table 64 with the intention to cause death or really serious injury,” she added.

Once outside, El Nasher is accused of sprinting across the street while carrying a short, black pistol or firearm and firing seven shots at the men from table 28.

Togiai was shot once in the chest and passed away instantly. After being shot once in the thigh, Bchinnati needed immediate surgery.

Jurors viewed dashcam video from a passing driver, which featured audio of two shots, a pause, and a volley of additional rounds.

According to Thomas, the episode lasted a total of 20 seconds.

She’s still talking to the jury after her introduction. Then, the attorneys for El Nasher and Allouche will present their case.





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