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AustraliaRecognise the reality, says the Prime Minister, adding that Australia has "not...

Recognise the reality, says the Prime Minister, adding that Australia has “not always honoured those who have fought in our name as we should”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Australia needs to admit that it hasn’t always honoured all of its veterans, according to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

In his first speech as the nation’s leader, Mr. Albanese made the comments during the Anzac Day dawn service in Canberra on Tuesday.

He called attention in particular to the underappreciation of the contributions made by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander soldiers who fought for Australia.

The Prime Minister stated, “It must be acknowledged that we have not always honoured those who have fought in our name as we should.

In addition, we must realise that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander soldiers who wore the khaki sometimes gave more of themselves to defend Australia than Australia gave to defend them.

Yet we continue to grow and progress as a team.

In his remarks to the thousands in attendance, the Prime Minister also said that it was time for Australia to show its veterans more than simply thanks.

“We owe our soldiers more than simply appreciation if we want to honour them in the truest sense. We must stand up for them in the same way that they did for us, he urged.

Along with members of the Australian Defence Force and Governor-General David Hurley, Mr. Albanese attended the dawn service at the Australian War Memorial.

As he paid tribute to the Anzac soldiers who arrived at Gallipoli during World War I, he said, “We gather before the dawn before they did.”


Mr. Albanese also pondered on how Australians were allowed to assemble in peace as free people of a proud and free nation at daybreak across the nation.

He said, “We remember them and all who followed – and we reflect on all that has been made possible by generations of sacrifice,” one hundred and eight years after the first Anzacs left in their boats.

“We hope that the conflict will end one day, that the peace movement will succeed, and that we will no longer have to engrave names on monuments.

But even then, we’ll continue to congregate before dawn. We’ll come together and support them by coming together. We can wait for the light because of them.





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