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AustraliaFollowing a Coalition reshuffle, Jacinta Price was promoted as shadow minister for...

Following a Coalition reshuffle, Jacinta Price was promoted as shadow minister for Indigenous affairs

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After Peter Dutton, the leader of the Coalition, announced a reorganisation, several new shadow ministers will join the frontbench of the Opposition.

Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price will serve as the Indigenous Australians’ shadow minister.

Price added, “I’m humbled and happy that the leadership Peter has given me the opportunity to handle this on behalf of Indigenous Australians.

I am very excited about improving the lives of the most vulnerable Australians in this nation.

Kerrynne Liddle, a fellow senator, will take on the role of shadow minister for family violence prevention and child protection.

“I, too, come from a history of working at a level in areas that are critical to safe families, in areas of social housing, in areas of employment, in areas of education, all of those things help contribute to making families safer and to enable young people and older Australians to go about their lives in relative safety,” she said.

Senator Michaelia Cash will resume her duties as shadow attorney general, while Senator James Paterson will take on the job of shadow minister for home affairs, according to Dutton.

In 2023, the run-up to the next election, and beyond, the Coalition will continue to be focused on delivering favourable policies for the future of our nation, Dutton said.

The announcement came in the wake of many resignations from the Coalition front bench, including that of former government minister Karen Andrews and former shadow attorney general Julian Leeser.

While Leeser continues to sit on the opposition’s back benches, Andrews will not run in the following election.

As opposed to Leeser, Andrews claimed today that Leeser’s departure was not related to her stance on the Voice to Parliament.

She has stated that although she disagrees with the suggested phrasing by the administration, she won’t aggressively oppose it.

I most definitely won’t be there sporting a “vote no” t-shirt, she said.

“I will express my concerns when people speak to me, but I want to do that in a very neutral way,” the speaker said.

Dutton commended Andrews for her work in the legislature and with the government.






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