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AustraliaA woman was fatally stabbed in Darwin's CBD, while a man and...

A woman was fatally stabbed in Darwin’s CBD, while a man and woman were both stabbed in the city’s main shopping center

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following a chaotic night of violent crime in Darwin, one woman is dead and two others have injuries.

Just before 6 p.m. on Friday, according to police, they were summoned to a hotel on The Esplanade in Darwin’s central business district.

According to reports, a woman who had been stabbed went to the hotel’s foyer to ask for assistance.

Linda Burney, the minister responsible for Indigenous Australians, reportedly stayed at the establishment.

Her office has confirmed that a staff member gave the woman CPR while dialing triple-0.

The woman was brought to Royal Darwin Hospital after paramedics were summoned, however she passed away soon after.

A man was detained on the spot and is still in the hospital.

He claimed that his sister, who is from the Maningrida hamlet 500 kilometers to the east of Darwin, had traveled to the city to see her son who was serving time in jail.

A guy and a woman were stabbed in Darwin’s largest shopping center in a separate incident.

After allegedly stabbing a man and a woman in the subterranean parking lot of the Casuarina Square shopping center, police said a 22-year-old woman was in arrest.

“Paramedics treated a 41-year-old man at the scene for injuries to his leg, and a 29-year-old woman was taken to Royal Darwin Hospital suffering non-life threatening injuries to her back,” according to a statement from the police.

In addition, police said they have detained a guy for reportedly slashing the tires of a police car.

“When Police approached the individual, he was drinking alcohol in a public setting. The alcohol was then burned.

When the man approached the police car, he slashed both of the rear tires, leaving it useless. Members continued their patrols.


A man is seen being chased by a group of men, who then appear to be struck by a passing bus.

Less than a month has passed since 20-year-old Declan Laverty was fatally stabbed while working at a Darwin bottle shop.

On Saturday afternoon, a large anti-crime march was scheduled to take place at Parliament House.

Lia Finocchiaro, the leader of the opposition, has urged the government to act right away to curb violent crime.

She expressed her deepest sympathy to everyone who was mourning.

“While their families are in our thoughts and prayers, it is insufficient.

“With each violent assault, the number of lives affected increases. In addition to the victims’ families and friends, we also need to remember the hospitality employees who desperately tried to save a life, the retail workers who witnessed stabbings in front of them, and the ambulance, police, and security personnel who arrived on the scene immediately.

Their existence has changed.

“The beloved and familiar city has changed.

“The beloved and familiar Territory has altered.

“Territorians have cried out that someone might lose their life, just as Declan did, if the government doesn’t take more action.

Since that time, thousands of Territorians have congregated with the slogan “enough is enough.

“But the Territorians’ cries for the Fyles Government to act were insufficient; as a result, we wake up to another fatality and two more victims of knife crime at a significant shopping center.

“Traditionally, Territorians lived their lives looking ahead; today, we live our lives looking backwards.”





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