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Australia"Fingers in the crocodile's eyes and escape": An amazing account of a...

“Fingers in the crocodile’s eyes and escape”: An amazing account of a man’s struggle to survive during a savage crocodile assault

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ


After being attacked by a crocodile near a remote Queensland campground, a man is recovering in the hospital.

While spearfishing near Cooktown, the 44-year-old guy was attacked by a 4.5-meter reptile that tried to drown him. He was able to defend himself by stabbing it in the eyes.

Valerie Noble of the Queensland Ambulance Service stated that the animal had “bit him three times and dragged him to the bottom.”

He claims that he was able to repeatedly poke the crocodile in the eyes while escaping and swimming away to safety.

It is believed that the man was attacked on Saturday at noontime close to the Archer Point Camp Ground.

Before a helicopter could transport the man to Cairns Hospital, rescue workers had to hoist him to safety in a hard-to-reach spot.

He sustained severe injuries to his head, abdomen, and leg in addition to several fractures.

Not many individuals would live to tell a story like that, Noble remarked, “He’s an extremely lucky man.”

The 44-year-old man’s condition is still stable, and he is said to be in excellent spirits.

Peter Scott, the mayor of Cook Shire, issued a warning after the attack, advising future campers to check with the rangers before going into the water at the well-liked spearfishing location.

He stated, “I would advise people to check in with the rangers up there as they have a fair knowledge of what’s going on, before they camp and start swimming around.”

The Queensland Department of Environment and Science will look into the incident and determine whether the crocodile is still in the region.





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