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AustraliaDanny Klobucar, a murderer from Canberra, was given a prison term for...

Danny Klobucar, a murderer from Canberra, was given a prison term for his “vigilante-style” attack on a man whom he thought had injured a kid

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The sentence of a 34-year-old Canberra man who choked a guy he thought was endangering a kid will be extended by two more months.

Danny Klobucar approached the victim’s home in Conder, in the south of Canberra, and choked him after learning that the guy had burned the child of Klobucar’s ex-partner with a cigarette.

Despite telling Klobucar that the child’s mark was caused by ringworm, the victim was allegedly choked by Klobucar until he was rendered unconscious and had defecated on himself, according to the ACT Magistrates Court.

In 2014, Klobucar murdered a grandpa in Canberra whom he had mistakenly accused of being a child molester.

He was declared not guilty due to schizophrenia impairing his ability to commit murder.

The current event was referred to be a “vigilante-style retaliation attack” by prosecutor Lewis Etheredge, who expressed worries to the court regarding the similarities between the two offenses.

He claimed that Klobucar had shown no sign of regret or an apology to the victim and that he still posed a major threat to public safety.

The assault’s victim testified in court as well, saying it had a big influence on his life.

“I’m unable to attend gatherings or restaurants. I’m hesitant to open the door.”

He claimed that in addition to the physical injuries to his neck, Mr. Klobucar’s assault also caused him mental harm.

He informed the court, “I cannot move my neck quickly because of what happened.

I haven’t sought medical attention for this since I don’t like having my neck touched.

However, Travis Jackson, the defense attorney for Klobucar, informed the court that there was no medical proof that Klobucar was to blame for the complainant’s neck injury.

Klobucar admitted the crime was a grave mistake and admitted he should have called the police if he had worries for the youngster, Magistrate Robert Cook told the court.

Klobucar will be released at the end of May after receiving a 19-month prison sentence for the event, which includes a seven-month suspended sentence.





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