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AustraliaAccording to Chinese reports, Anthony Albanese sent an invitation to Beijing "in...

According to Chinese reports, Anthony Albanese sent an invitation to Beijing “in principle”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ


Within a few months, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese might travel to Beijing after allegedly receiving an invitation from the Chinese government.

According to the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong, which is controlled by Chinese e-commerce juggernaut Alibaba, the Australian prime minister has received a “in principle” invitation and may travel in September or October.

The latest Australian prime minister to visit China in 2016 was Malcolm Turnbull. Later in the year, Albanese would travel to China for the 50th anniversary of Gough Whitlam’s historic first visit to China.

According to The Post, Don Farrell, the trade minister, has also received a separate invitation for a visit of his own. This visit is most likely to happen before any visit by Albanese.

“Prime Minister Albanese and Trade Minister Farrell received invitations to visit Beijing from [China] in principle some time ago. These invites are not brand-new “Today’s Post cited an insider with the Australian government.

A September or October date has apparently been considered, but nothing has been confirmed, according to the source.

The study is released on the same day that Australian government devices were prohibited from using the Chinese-owned social media app TikTok over worries that Beijing may access data.

Although the Albanese government saw an improvement in relations between the two countries, tensions have increased recently. Last month’s signing of the AUKUS defense agreement, which China criticized as reflecting a “typical Cold War mentality that will only motivate an arms race,” has added to the tensions.

Anthony Albanese and Xi Jinping during a meeting last November in Bali. The Australian PM has reportedly been invited to visit China later this year. (Twitter)

Albanese has previously stated that, should an invitation be granted, he would be willing to visit China.

He previously declared that he would go if invited, according to 6PR radio.

“I believe that discourse is always beneficial. Always communicate and engage with others.

“While we are a fantastic democracy, that does not mean that we are without disagreements. There is no democracy in China. And with it, come variations in how we’re organized.

“But, as our main trading partner, China is also tied to many Australian employment and economic activities, along with our other key trading partners.”

Moreover, Albanese stated that there are “no plans at this time” for a visit.





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