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Ticker ENAccording to local media, two people were killed in an Israeli airstrike...

According to local media, two people were killed in an Israeli airstrike on Damascus

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Israel reportedly carried out an airstrike in the Syrian capital of Damascus, the most recent in a string of assaults over the past few days, according to Syrian state media.

According to military officials cited by the state news agency SANA, two civilians were killed in the attack early on Tuesday. It also made notice of local property damage.

The attack has received no comments from Israeli officials. However SANA reported that after a “enemy” air strike on Tuesday at around 00:15 local time, Syrian air defences had “intercepted hostile targets” over Damascus.

Israel has launched countless attacks against fighter groups it believes to be supported by Iran inside of Syria’s government-controlled areas. Throughout the lengthy civil conflict in Syria, Iran has acted as a loyal friend of President Bashar al-Assad.

The strike on Monday was the fourth of its kind in the past several days, with the first two being in Homs and Damascus.

Five soldiers were hurt in Israeli airstrikes on Homs early on Sunday morning, according to the Syrian Defense Ministry. The assaults followed a strike last Friday near Damascus that purportedly resulted in the deaths of two Iranian military advisers.

Videos that appeared on social media Tuesday morning appeared to show explosions and air defence operations lighting up the sky over Damascus.

According to the organisation Airwars, which tracks civilian deaths from airstrikes in various conflicts, since 2013, Israeli strikes in Syria have killed between 17 and 45 civilians.

According to the organization’s website, “Israel’s latest operation in Syria began in January 2013 when its aircraft targeted a convoy allegedly transferring weapons from Syria to Hezbollah militants.”

Israel has launched hundreds of both stated and unconfirmed attacks on militant organisations with ties to Iran since that time.





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