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AustraliaSydney police have charged a woman after a 10-month-old infant died

Sydney police have charged a woman after a 10-month-old infant died

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The boy was rushed to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead last month.

Following an alleged attempt to drown a baby boy, a lady will face murder charges after allegedly choking him to death in Sydney’s northwest two days later.

On March 21 at around 12.30 p.m., the 10-month-old was discovered lifeless in a Berowra Heights house.

The kid was given medical attention by paramedics and transported in a critical condition to The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

Ku-ring-gai Police Area Command officials set up a crime scene at the residence.

Detectives from the Child Abuse Squad took over the investigation the following day, and they interrogated a 30-year-old woman at the hospital.

She was brought into custody and charged with two charges of attempted murder at Hornsby Police Station.

On March 19, she allegedly tried to drown the boy at a Westleigh residence, and two days later, at a Berowra Heights residence, she allegedly “limited the boy’s respiration.”

On March 23, about 2 PM, the boy passed away in the hospital.

The woman had appeared in court earlier that day on accusations of attempted murder; however, at her subsequent court appearance, these charges will be raised to one count of murder and one count of attempted murder.

Bail was declined for her.

During a press conference this morning, Premier Chris Minns was questioned about the situation.

I won’t speak directly since this is a serious matter that is currently before the courts and is the subject of charges, he added.

For the ministry of families, a report is being drafted.

On May 18, the woman will show up once more at Downing Center Local Court.





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