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Australia"I saw what was in that luggage, and it wasn't a...

“I saw what was in that luggage, and it wasn’t a body,’ the mother asserts incredulously in reference to the murder conviction of her daughter

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

‘I saw what was in that luggage, and it wasn’t a body,’ the mother asserts incredulously in reference to the murder conviction of her daughter.

The mother of a Melbourne resident has spoken out on her daughter’s murder conviction and maintained that she is 100 percent innocent.

Jemma Mitchell, 38, was convicted of murder in the United Kingdom in 2022.

Mee Kuen Chong, also known as Deborah, was her buddy from a church group and the victim.

After killing her, she dismembered, packed, and discarded her body onto a deserted English beach.

Jemma Mitchell, 38, was convicted of murder in the United Kingdom in 2022.

Jemma Mitchell, 38, was convicted of murder in the UK in 2022. (Nine)
The decapitated body of Chong was found by tourists.

During a police search, her head was located close by.

Yet as of late, Mitchell’s mother, Hilary Collard, has said on 60 Minutes that her murder case suffered a horrific miscarriage of justice.

Jemma Mitchell, 38, was convicted of murder in the United Kingdom in 2022.

Deborah Chong’s body was discovered in a state of disrepair on a secluded English beach. Her spiritual healer was Jemma Mitchell.
Tom Steinfort is informed by Collard that “They’ve made her out to be a monster.”

There was a tonne of evidence against the Australian, as various CCTV cameras captured Mitchell dragging a suitcase across London.

Mitchell disposed of her victim’s remains using a suitcase, according to court testimony.

Collard, however, asserts that she observed what her daughter placed in the suitcase.

“I observed she had three five-kilogram bottles of water, tins in case she wanted to stop for a snack, a deck chair, and a sun umbrella.

Jemma Mitchell, 38, was convicted of murder in the United Kingdom in 2022.


“They were all substantial objects, but there was no body inside.”

Mitchell was captured on camera driving down the street where her victim’s body was discovered.

Collard believes it to be a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or merely chance.

The motive for Mitchell to kill Chong, in the opinion of the police, was money.

Jemma Mitchell, 38, was convicted of murder in the United Kingdom in 2022.
Hillary Collard claims to be aware of the contents of the bag that her daughter packed (Nine)
Mitchell’s decaying house needed a $360,000 (£200,000) restoration, but Chong later changed her mind.

Mitchell then made plans to murder Chong in an effort to claim her estate.

After a jury convicted Mitchell guilty, she was given a life sentence.

Hilary Collard, who frequently sees mom in prison, said the family is preparing an appeal.

Collard is adamant that Mitchell is innocent but she won’t go to the police with her purported proof.

“Police are dishonest. The police are wholly crooked, she claimed.





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