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AustraliaAlex Greenwich, a Sydney lawmaker, responds to Mark Latham's bigoted tweet

Alex Greenwich, a Sydney lawmaker, responds to Mark Latham’s bigoted tweet

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After the One Nation NSW leader tweeted out a brutal, homophobic attack on the Sydney MP, Alex Greenwich expressed his hope that Mark Latham is “doing Fine.”

In a media appearance today, Greenwich claimed he had not heard from Latham, whose tweet has now been deleted, and did not anticipate doing so.

Greenwich stated today, “I do not wish to engage with the content of Mr. Latham’s homophobic post.

“I don’t want an apology from him,” she said.

Latham, who national One Nation leader Pauline Hanson had previously stated she had not been able to reach since the controversy over the post arose, was then addressed by Greenwich as someone he hoped was “OK.”

He declared, “The remarks he uttered are definitely not the remarks of a well person.

“I hope Mr. Latham is doing well, that he is surrounded by friends and family, and that he is taking care of himself.”

Greenwich vowed not to take any legal action against Latham in the legislature but urged his fellow lawmakers and residents of the state to support the LGBTQ+ community in New South Wales.

“I’m quite fortunate. I have the support of a wonderful husband, wonderful family, and “stated Greenwich.

“I do feel for the LGBTQ+ residents of the entire state who lack that support,” the speaker said.

Chris Minns, the new premier of NSW, was praised by Greenwich for his support.

Even Minns himself was harsher on Latham.

Sydney MP Alex Greenwich says he doesn’t expect an apology from Mark Latham.

Minns called the remarks “vile and humiliating” and claimed that the speaker had exposed himself as a bigot.

One Nation leader Hanson was treated less kindly by Greenwich after she denounced Latham’s “disgusting” tweet.

Based on her prior statements, he remarked, “I don’t give her much credit for what I consider quite an empty statement.”

Although he acknowledged Hanson was probably “disturbed and outraged” by the tweet’s tone, he stated One Nation will target minority groups “one by one.”





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