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AustraliaNew COVID-19 measures are unveiled by the health minister as instances once...

New COVID-19 measures are unveiled by the health minister as instances once again increase

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

While the government unveiled new COVID-19 prevention strategies, Australians were told that the pandemic is “not finished.”

As he announced that approximately 160,000 more Australians would be qualified to use the antiviral medication Paxlovid to treat the virus starting on Saturday, Health Minister Mark Butler warned that this year would likely see another wave of coronavirus infections.

Today in Canberra, Butler remarked, “This is not over.”

“Covid will continue to be released in waves throughout this year.”

The revisions will make Australians between the ages of 60 and 69 who have just one risk factor eligible.

Before, patients had to meet two risk criteria in order to obtain the medication.

We are aware of the effectiveness of two oral antivirals, Paxlovid and Molnupiravir, in averting life-threatening illness, hospitalisation, and death, according to Butler.

This would significantly improve the lives of tens of thousands of seniors in their 60s and relieve significant load on the healthcare system.

The government has also increased benefits for elderly care employees who contract COVID-19 while on unpaid leave.

They will still be allowed to use their employer to get up to $750 per week.

Although it was difficult to predict if the present “ripple” of increased coronavirus infections in Australia may become a “wave,” Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly said he wouldn’t be shocked if it did.

He said, “I don’t have a crystal ball.
“But, regarding upcoming COVID waves, as (Butler) indicated, I believe we currently have a ripple; whether that ripple will develop into a wave is impossible to anticipate at this juncture for the reasons I mentioned and mentioned in my report.

Yet as was said, there has undoubtedly been an increase in numbers over the past few weeks, although from a very low foundation.

Federal Health Minister Mark Butler has warned the COVID-19 pandemic is not yet over as cases rise.

According to Kelly, infections are not spreading as quickly as they did during the most recent COVID-19 winter and summer waves.

The top physician did note that it is still essential for Australians to maintain their immunisation records.

“The evidence that we’ve seen from the Australian experience is the same, as led to ATAGI’s advice in relation to a dose of vaccine,” he said. “That time since the last immunising event is really crucial if you haven’t had a vaccine or an infection in the last six months.”

“So, the very clear message is to get that vaccine immediately, don’t delay, especially for people over the age of 65 and others with risk factors.”

To emphasise the value of immunisations, the federal government will launch a new marketing campaign on Sunday.





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