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AustraliaAfter losing the state election," Dominic Perrottet resigns as leader of the...

After losing the state election,” Dominic Perrottet resigns as leader of the NSW Liberals, saying, “I take full responsibility

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Dominic Perrottet gives his concession speech at the NSW election.

D’Ominic Perrottet, the outgoing premier, has resigned as head of the NSW Liberal party, claiming full responsibility for the Coalition’s crushing loss in the state election.

Perrottet stated in a dignified and gracious concession address that his party required a “fresh start.”

As the head of the parliamentary Liberal party, he declared, “I fully accept responsibility for the defeat this evening.”

“Therefore, I will step down from my position as chief.

“It is abundantly obvious that we require a new beginning. The Liberal party needs to get off to a new start.

Despite the Liberals’ crushing loss in the election, Perrottet expressed pride in the party’s three terms in office.

“We can be very proud of what we have accomplished together as a government,” he said.
And I’m incredibly grateful that I was able to help the citizens of New South Wales.

“Let there be no doubt: We have changed destiny. Since our party was founded, we have been an administration for the utmost amount of time.

Compared to 12 years ago, New South Wales is a much better location, my friends. And that will be the Liberals and Nationals’ lasting contribution to our state.

Chris Minns, who succeeded Perrottet as the state’s 46th premier, praised Perrottet in his victory address.

In honour of the citizens of New South Wales, I would like to thank the premier for his service, he said.

“We would like to honour Dominic and Helen for their service to the state’s citizens.

“I think it is undeniably true that this election campaign was a model of respect and civility, perhaps singularly, and neither party took the low road or dealt the low blow,” the author said.

Earlier, Perrottet had praised Minns and said he would make a capable prime ministerial replacement.

Because he will lead with the same decency and integrity that he has so far, he said, “I truly believe and have no doubt that (Minns) will make a fine 47th premier of New South Wales.”

“In the end, I ask everyone in NSW, regardless of your political views, to support him because, where NSW succeeds, so does our nation, and I believe that tonight, we can all come together to support that.”

Outgoing treasurer Matt Kean seems to be the most likely candidate to take over the state leadership of the party, even after experiencing a significant swing against him in his esteemed seat of Hornsby, as a result of Perrottet’s resignation and a number of senior Liberal MPs retiring.






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