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AustraliaMan identified as popular actor who died while snorkeling off a WA...

Man identified as popular actor who died while snorkeling off a WA beach

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ


Friends are paying tribute to an Australian actor who drowned on Thursday while snorkeling off the coast of Western Australia.

The 66-year-old man who passed away at Fremantle’s South Beach on Thursday has been identified as Peter Hardy, who rose to fame for his roles in McLeod’s Daughters, Chopper, and the Mamma Mia! musical. His name was released on Sunday.

Only a few days earlier, on Sunday, another guy drowned at the same beach.

Hardy’s friend Andy Burns described him as “inconsolable” after the actor from Perth passed away.

Hardy, who lived in a canal barge in London, was reportedly touring Western Australia.

Words are inadequate to describe how devastated I am by this loss; we have been good friends since our time together in Neutral Bay, Sydney, in the middle of the 1980s.

He was a fantastic actor, singer, and guitarist who could also play the drums and sax.

He has always enjoyed acting in theater, movies, and television.

“Our sincere sympathies to his entire family and countless friends, especially his lovely girlfriend Lysa, on this tragic death.”

For three years, Hardy portrayed Phil Rakich on McLeod’s Daughters, and in the 2000 film Chopper, he played Detective Cooney.

He appeared in a few Neighbours episodes as well as Dr. Blake Mysteries and Underbelly episodes.

His identity was revealed hours after a second guy, thought to be in his 30s, was found floating in the same location at around 1:30 p.m.

The same famous beach where Hardy died saw the drowning of a second guy on Sunday.

According to police, a marine rescue vessel discovered the man unconscious approximately 50 meters off the coast.

He was brought to Sardine Jetty, where paramedics attempted CPR but were unsuccessful.





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