After being caught on surveillance footage reportedly stealing an expensive handbag and a sweater from a store without paying for them, a union leader from South Australia resigned.
Leah York made her resignation as South Australian Branch Secretary of the Australian Education Union official today.
Video captured York taking a $280 handbag out of a Mount Gambier store and going out the door without paying, it appeared.
According to York’s team, once the video was shared on the store’s social media, she paid for the bag as she had intended to do.
But, three minutes before the bag was removed, she was caught on camera adding a jumper to the bag, and the garment is still there when she leaves the store.
Her resignation will become effective at today’s business close, according to the AEU.
According to the Branch Regulations, “The AEU is determining temporary arrangements to fill the Branch Secretary post,” according to a statement.
“The AEC will conduct an election to fill the temporary vacancy in accordance with standard Registered Organization Commission procedures.
“At this moment, our priorities continue to be the interests of AEU members.”
York had already given notice of her resignation from the Funds South Australia board.
The $30 billion state superannuation fund for employees of the public sector is under the authority of the board.

Authorities are investigating the alleged event but have not charged York with any crimes.
According to Police Commissioner Grant Stevens, it was up to “individual enterprises” to report such theft.
“We would definitely encourage individuals to report to police and share those tapes to police so we can investigate and hold people accountable,” Stevens said.