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AustraliaAfter 15 children become ill, Queensland Police declare there is no indication...

After 15 children become ill, Queensland Police declare there is no indication of a “toxic chemical” or criminal activity

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ


Emergency services at the scene in North Queensland.

The 15 youngsters who were hospitalised yesterday, according to Queensland Police, have not been exposed to any harmful substances.

“There is no evidence that a crime has been committed. The hospital has released all of the pupils, according to a statement from the police released this afternoon.

Authorities were looking into whether the kids’ alleged lollipops consumption on the bus to Bluewater State School, which is located around 30 minutes north of Townsville, was to blame for their illness.

As the investigation was ongoing, the bus’s driver was stood down.

Authorities have not stated what they now think may have caused the 15 youngsters to get suddenly ill and require hospitalisation.

One of the children’s mothers reported feeling “mad, disturbed,” and “mixed feelings” as a result of the incident.

The mother, who wished to remain unnamed, claimed she was in shock after yesterday’s “surprise” phone call.

“Something had happened, and my daughter was on her way in an ambulance to Townsville Hospital,” she recalled receiving from the school.

They had headaches, nausea, and stomachaches.

The feelings are still quite conflicted; they are both very angry and unhappy.

The mother remarked that every parent wants their child to arrive at school safely.

You just take safety for granted, she added.

“There are many children who ride the bus, and you just want your children to get at school without incident and on time.”

Today afternoon, Mark Bailey, the minister of transport for Queensland, informed 9News that “necessary actions” were being taken to look into the event.

“The bus driver has been stood down, from what I gather, so that’s part of the right measures if there’s a problem,” Bailey added.

“Thus, there are clear protocols, and from what I can tell, those procedures are followed.”

The driver’s employer, Kinetic Transport, also verified his suspension.

A spokeswoman for Kinetic stated, “The bus driver has been stood down and Kinetic is assisting local authorities with the investigation of an alleged incident that allegedly occurred in Townsville yesterday.

We place a high priority on the safety and wellbeing of all passengers, especially children and young people.

For the families affected, it “must be a truly horrible experience,” said state representative for Hinchinbrook Nick Dametto to Today.

The kids were being evaluated at Townsville University Hospital and were in a stable condition, according to state representative for Hinchinbrook Nick Dametto, who spoke to Today. My heart goes out to each and every one of those families, he remarked (today).

The youngsters started feeling sick yesterday around 10:10 am.

Ten minutes after arriving at school, six of the kids were rushed to Townsville University Hospital due to nausea, gastrointestinal pain, and dizziness.

Afterwards, nine more pupils were taken as a precaution.

There were a total of 22 students from Bluewater State School riding the bus.





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