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WorldRussian strategic bombers were intercepted by NORAD fighter fighters off Alaska

Russian strategic bombers were intercepted by NORAD fighter fighters off Alaska

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Russian Tu-95MS strategic bombers and Su-35 fighter jets were intercepted on Monday, according to the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), which reported the incident on Tuesday.

On February 13, 2023, four Russian aircraft entered and were operating within the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), according to a tweet from the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Alaskan Region.

The TU-95 BEAR-H and SU-35 fighter aircraft were among the Russian planes, according to the report.

Russian aircraft “remained in international airspace and did not enter American or Canadian sovereign airspace,” according to a NORAD statement.

The press service stated that “this Russian action in the North American ADIZ occurs regularly and is not considered as a threat, nor is the behavior seen as provocative,” adding that on average, six to seven comparable interceptions occur each year.

Additionally, NORAD determines that this Russian aviation activity “is unconnected to recent activities of US Northern Command and NORAD involving airborne items over North.

Over the past two weeks, America.”

Two Tu-95MS turboprop strategic bombers—reporting NATO’s name is Bear—performed a fly over the neutral Bering Sea earlier on Tuesday, according to the Russian Defense Ministry. Over seven hours were spent on the expedition.

The Arctic, the North Atlantic, the Black and Baltic seas, and the Pacific Ocean are among the international waters that Russian long-range aviation personnel frequently fly across. All Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft fly in strict adherence to all applicable international regulations.

The Long Range Aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces operates the Soviet and Russian turboprop strategic bomber known as the Tu-95 MC. It is designed to attack targets in distant military geographic regions and in the far reaches of continental theaters of military engagements with a variety of armaments, including nuclear bombs. In the 1970s, the Tu-95MC modification was created. For the launching of long-range cruise missiles, it incorporates a multi-positional ejection installation.

The combat load is 25 tons, the maximum takeoff weight is 185 tons, and the practical range is 10,500 km. There are seven people on the crew.





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