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WorldThree people are killed and five are injured in the Michigan university...

Three people are killed and five are injured in the Michigan university shooting

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ


At Michigan State University in the United States, a shooter shot three individuals to death, inflicted five other injuries, and then committed suicide.

The suspected shooter at MSU.

According to Chris Rozman, temporary deputy chief of the school police department, the gunman started shooting on Monday night at Berkey Hall, an academic building, and a nearby student union on the East Lansing campus.

According to Rozman, two of the victims were killed in Berkey Hall, while a third victim was killed in the student union.

According to police, the shooter later shot himself to death outside of campus. Early on Tuesday, all of the injured were were listed in critical condition.

Although Rozman claimed the 43-year-old man had no known connection to the university, the reason for the attack was not immediately obvious. His identify wasn’t made public right away.

Rozman remarked, “This truly has been a nightmare we’ve been living tonight. “We don’t know why he came to campus tonight to do this,”

Hundreds of police officers searched the East Lansing campus, which is 90 miles (145 kilometers) northwest of Detroit, looking for the culprit, who was initially described by authorities as a Black male wearing a jean jacket, a cap, and red sneakers.

At the institution, which has roughly 50,000 students, students were told to stay put for hours. What kind of weapon the shooter used in the attack was unclear.

University student Ted Zimbo told The Associated Press that while he was making his way to his dorm, he came across a woman who had “a ton of blood on her.”

Zimbo added, “She told me that someone entered our classroom and started firing. “Her hands were drenched in blood from head to toe. She had it on both her shoes and her pants. It’s my friend’s blood, she claimed.

Aedan Kelley, a junior living nearby the university, similarly informed the news organization that he had covered his windows and locked his doors “just in case.”

He claimed that helicopters flew overhead and sirens blared continuously throughout the police search.

All courses and extracurricular activities would be canceled for 48 hours, according to school administrators.

According to the Gun Violence Archive tracker, mass shootings have grown disturbingly regular in the US, with 648 documented incidents in 2022, just a little less than the 690 incidents reported in 2021.

According to the tracker, which defines mass shootings as those with four or more casualties, there have been at least 67 shootings in 2023.

In the recent, well-publicized attack, a shooter killed 11 people while opening fire at a Lunar New Year party in Monterey Park, California.

Common targets include workplaces, schools, and places of worship.

In 2022, a shooter opened fire at a Uvalde, Texas, elementary school, killing two instructors and 19 students.

In Parkland, Florida, a high school, an assailant shot and killed 17 people. In Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012, a shooter killed 20 elementary school students and six adults.

Recently, there has been gun violence in schools in the state of Michigan as well. In November 2021, a classmate opened fire at Oxford High School in Oakland County, killing four students.

The United States’ first federal gun control bill in many years was enacted in 2022 by Vice President Joe Biden. Advocates claimed that the law fell far short of a number of long-desired reforms, such as stricter age limits for gun purchases and a federal assault weapons prohibition.

Gretchen Whitmer, governor of Michigan, described the most recent shooting as “a uniquely American problem” in response to it.

“Too many of us enter rooms looking for escapes. We decide who will receive the final SMS or call,” she tweeted. We should not and cannot embrace this way of life.





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