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Yearly Archives: 2023

Tony Abbott’s application to join the board of directors of Fox Corporation is welcomed by Lachlan Murdoch

A day after media magnate Rupert Murdoch announced his retirement, former prime minister Tony Abbott has been proposed to the board of directors of...

Call for dismissal of actor’s sexual harassment claim

A theatre group that is facing accusations that it discriminated against an actor who brought up-in-light claims of sexual harassment against another celebrity will...

বিবিএনজে’তে স্বাক্ষর করলেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী

প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা অধিক মাছ ধরা এবং অন্যান্য মানবিক কর্মকাণ্ডের কারণে ভঙ্গুর সামুদ্রিক পরিবেশের ক্ষতির হাত থেকে বিশ্বের মহাসাগর এবং নদীগুলোকে রক্ষায় মেরিন বায়োডাইভারসিটি...

Man charged with a cold case ACT murder admits to breaking and entering but not murder

An alleged murderer has admitted breaking into the home where a Canberra lady was discovered dead 24 years ago, but he claims not to...

Disclosed the identity of the shooter who injured the young Sydney youngster

In the midst of a fresh appeal for assistance from the public, police have identified the intended victim of a shooting that left a...


Chand Raat Eid festival in Sydney

This year another “Chand Raat” fair is going to...

According to some Hindu nationalists, Gandhi’s executioner Godse was a “true patriot”

Ashok Sharma has dedicated his life to defending the...

Floodwaters started devastation on Sydney Road

Floodwaters have started to retreat on Sydney roads, but...

The way Ukraine has become a nuclear-weapon-free country

Russia has been attacking Ukraine for weeks. On Thursday...