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Md Radwan Ahamad

2943 POSTS

Exclusive articles:

Census 2021: A reflection of the diversity of people in the multicultural country of Australia

Data from the 2021 census largely highlights the diversity of Australians and hints at how Australia's multicultural landscape is changing. One of the biggest...

Things to know when arranging a funeral in Australia

Immigrants face many unexpected situations in their lives. One of them is the uncertainty surrounding the next formality after the death of a loved...

Income tax changes are coming to Australia from 1 July

A number of changes to Australia's income tax are set to take effect on July 1. These changes include taxes on cryptocurrencies, cash boosts,...

IUB Alumni of Australia arranged a program “Ananda Mela”

Association of Independent University Bangladesh Alumni Australia celebrated a program named “Ananda Mela” in Sydney, Australia. The fun fair was held in Campbelltown, Sydney on...

Is Australia’s international student sector moving back again?

Although the enrollment rate of international students in Australia has been slower than expected, experts are hopeful that by the end of this year,...


Bail granted to teen accused of raping a woman when she was out running in Melbourne

Reintegration into society is the goal of a juvenile...

রোহিঙ্গা বিষয়ে আসিয়ানে কার্যকর ভূমিকা রাখতে সিঙ্গাপুরের প্রতি ঢাকার আহ্বান

পররাষ্ট্র বিষয়ক উপদেষ্টা মো. তৌহিদ হোসেন রোহিঙ্গা ইস্যুতে টেকসই...