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WorldEgypt and Armenia express their sympathies to Turkey

Egypt and Armenia express their sympathies to Turkey

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Rescuers look on as they sit on rubble, following an earthquake in Hatay Province, Türkiye

In response to the devastating earthquakes in Turkey, President Recep Tayyip Erdoan received condolences from Egyptian President Abdul Fettah el-Sissi, who also announced that Yerevan was prepared to send rescue personnel.

In one of their first diplomatic exchanges following a recent thaw, El-Sissi spoke with President Recep Erdoan after speaking on the phone with Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to Cairo.

El-Sissi “expressed his profound sympathies” in separate telephone conversations following the tragic earthquakes that left more than 6,200 people dead in Turkey and Syria, according to Ahmed Fahmy, spokesman for the Egyptian president.

In the meantime, the top diplomat for Armenia declared that his nation is prepared to help and deploy rescue teams to Turkey in the wake of Monday’s terrible earthquakes.

Mirzoyan expressed sorrow over the deaths caused by the earthquakes during a news conference in Berlin and said Yerevan has given assistance to Turkey.

He noted that when Armenia suffered a severe earthquake in 1988, “we were not left alone, we received international assistance at that time.”

He continued, “Now we should be prepared, and we are prepared, to provide our support to those who need humanitarian aid.

Mirzoyan declared that Armenia is prepared to send teams for search and rescue operations as well as humanitarian supplies to Turkey.

According to the most recent statistics, two powerful earthquakes that struck the southern region of the country left over 3,500 people dead and 22,000 others injured. Also so far, almost 8,000 individuals have been rescued.

The foreign minister of Armenia also addressed the diplomatic discussions to improve bilateral ties with Turkey during the news conference.

He claimed that despite various challenges and issues, the conversation is still going on.

“There has been some movement, albeit gradual from our perspective, but we made some forward progress,” he said.





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