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WorldTwo Spanish Navy ships departed for disaster relief operations in Turkey

Two Spanish Navy ships departed for disaster relief operations in Turkey

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

The Spanish Juan Carlos ship is seen in this photo provided

In response to the devastating earthquakes that struck Turkey’s southeast and left thousands dead and many more injured, Spain is sending its Juan Calos landing helicopter dock (LHD)-type amphibious assault ship and another navy ship, along with the necessary supplies and personnel, to help with relief efforts.

The ships have already sailed for Turkey, according to a report from the Spanish Defense Ministry on Tuesday.

The Spanish Navy’s “Juan Carlos I” ship, which has 500 marines on board, and “Galicia,” which is carrying assistance supplies, have been traveling toward Turkey since yesterday in order to assist with rescue efforts and save lives, the ministry announced on Twitter.

The Spanish Navy’s Juan Carlos I is a multi-purpose amphibious assault ship that can transport military equipment and ground troops as well as take part in humanitarian missions.

The ship has a ski-jump ramp on its 202-meter-long (663-foot) flight deck. The ship’s flight deck features eight landing areas for medium-sized helicopters like the Harrier, F-35 Lightning II, or V-22 Osprey, and four areas for heavy helicopters like the CH-47 Chinook or V-22 Osprey.

The ship can play a significant part in disaster relief efforts and has the capacity to function as a full-fledged hospital.

Separately, the ministry reported that the Spanish government had flown search and rescue workers there and that their aircraft had arrived at the Incirlik Air Base in the southern Turkish province of Adana.

“Our military is prepared to start helping with the search and rescue efforts for victims of the #TürkiyeEarthquake. The message read, “Good mission!

Spain will send a field hospital to southeast Turkey, according to the foreign ministry. “It contains two operating rooms, a wide range of medical tools, and a staff of medical professionals that includes 70 doctors. It is one of the three currently operating units in the #EU #SpainwithTürkiye, according to a tweet from the ministry.

Spain is just one of many nations that have sent search and rescue teams, as well as humanitarian aid and equipment, to Turkey in the wake of the deadly earthquakes that struck 10 cities in the region, as well as neighboring Syria. The earthquakes were centered in the Kahramanmaraş province.

According to government statistics, almost 8,000 people have been saved so far after the two powerful quakes left at least 3,549 people dead and 22,168 more injured in 10 provinces.





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