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WorldRugby players from Argentina receive sentences in a prominent beating death

Rugby players from Argentina receive sentences in a prominent beating death

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Eight amateur rugby players have been given hefty prison sentences for the shocking 2020 murder of an 18-year-old in what many have dubbed a racial and classist attack.

In the death of Fernando Baez Sosa, a law student from a Paraguayan family, five of the eight defendants—all between the ages of 21 and 23—were given life sentences on Monday. Due to their “minor” roles in the incident, the remaining three each received a 15-year sentence.

The verdicts followed a four-week trial that made national headlines at a court in the town of Dolores, 220 kilometers (140 miles) south of the capital Buenos Aires.

As the punishments were issued, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, posted on Twitter, “Justice does not fix but alleviates.” “I sincerely hope this decision gives you some solace.”

The 15-year penalties, which fell short of the maximum life sentence they requested against all the offenders, have been criticized by the Baez Sosa family’s attorneys, who have stated they are debating whether to appeal.

Argentine daily La Nacion quoted attorney Fernando Burlando as saying, “When considering the punishments, I think this is not fair.” He referred to the decision from Monday as “the first step” in the family’s quest for justice.

A nightclub outside of Villa Gesell, a beach resort community 376 kilometers (234 miles) south of the capital, was assaulted on January 18, 2020, targeting Baez Sosa, the sole child of a bricklayer and caretaker who was born in Paraguay.

Baez Sosa, according to his parents Silvino Baez and Graciela Sosa, was on vacation before to starting college. However, a brawl broke out inside Le Brique nightclub in the early hours of the morning, and numerous partygoers were ejected from the location.

Once outside, it is said that Baez Sosa was cut off from his pals and besieged by the gang of novice rugby players, who assaulted him with punches and kicks.

Witnesses claimed that Baez Sosa’s assailants referred to him as a “sh**ty Black,” a phrase occasionally used to disparage Indigenous people and immigrants from outside Argentina, a country with a predominately white population.

Approximately 97 percent of Argentinians identify as having European descent, with significant waves of Italian and Spanish immigration continuing far into the 20th century.

Only 2.4 percent of people identify as Native Americans, while 0.4 percent say they are of African heritage.

It was also assumed that the fact that Baez Sosa’s attackers were all teammates at a tiny rugby club was a sign of their social position. The Buenos Aires Times was informed by sociologist Guillermo Levy that “the issue of class plays a significant part in this case.” “The majority of [rugby players] come from affluent households in small towns.”

Ultimately, due to wounds received in the assault, Baez Sosa passed away. A medical expert who gave testimony during the trial claimed that Baez Sosa’s “many head injuries” caused him to experience a “traumatic cardiac arrest.”

Because they believed the attack was planned, the prosecutors in the case pushed for the defendants to get the maximum punishment. The Baez Sosa family’s attorney, Burlando, emphasized that after the incident, the rugby players could be seen hugging and walking out to get hamburgers.

Burlando told the court that “killing made them hungry.”

Defense counsel, though, denied that the attack was planned in advance and argued for a less punishment. Additionally, the defense claimed that the extensive media coverage had unfairly influenced the outcome of the case.

The rugby players professed regret for the attack and claimed they had no desire to kill Baez Sosa during the trial. Some even denied taking part in the altercation.

The life sentences handed down on Monday were given to Matias Benicelli, Enzo Comelli, Maximo Thomsen, and brothers Ciro and Luciano Pertossi. Ayrton Viollaz, Blas Cinalli, and the brothers’ cousin Lucas Pertossi all received 15-year terms.





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