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AustraliaNew South WalesSydney's St Mary's Cathedral was the scene of fights before Cardinal George...

Sydney’s St Mary’s Cathedral was the scene of fights before Cardinal George Pell’s burial

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Prior to Cardinal George Pell’s funeral, police were called to Sydney’s St. Mary’s Cathedral.

The night before the service, Pell supporters approached child abuse campaigners who were affixing ribbons to fences at the church.
As evening prayer was coming to a close, they were reportedly shouting violently at the silent demonstrators.

A planned demonstration around Pell’s funeral was allowed to go earlier when police and activist groups settled on a different route.

Police intended to stop a gathering organized by Community Action for Rainbow Rights outside of St. Mary’s Cathedral in the city’s central business district due to safety concerns, and they lodged an urgent application to the NSW Supreme Court.

At the 11 a.m. memorial service for the 81-year-old who passed away in Rome last month, former prime minister Tony Abbott will be one of the speakers.

At the funeral, which will be officiated by Anthony Fisher, the Archbishop of Sydney, David Pell will also give a eulogy.

Former prime minister John Howard and current leader of the Liberal Party Peter Dutton will attend.

However, some prominent politicians, including as Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, will not attend.

David Hurley, the governor general, will also not be present.

According to the order of service, which also contains a message from Pope Francis, Sarah and Georgina Pell will also speak.

He expresses his “sincere thanks for his constant and devoted witness, his commitment to the gospel and the church, and especially his painstaking cooperation with the Holy Sea in tis recent economic reform.

Additionally in the presentation, Archbishop Fisher described Pell as a “courageous leader” and a “proud Australian” who lived by the motto “Be Not Afraid.”

The statement reads, “Through good days and bad, he lived up to these words and a man with courage and a big heart who trusted in divine proceedings.”

Photos of Pell from his life, including those with several Popes, are included in the burial program.

The highest-ranking Catholic church official in Australia passed away as a result of complications after hip surgery.

Pell, a key advisor to Pope Francis and one of the most influential individuals in the Vatican, came under fire for how he handled accusations of child sexual abuse within the church. He was also imprisoned on old charges and his conviction was later overturned.

Pell, the highest-ranking Catholic official to get a prison sentence due to claims of child sex abuse, consistently maintained his innocence but was imprisoned for more than a year before the High Court overturned the ruling in 2020.





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