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AustraliaPolling indicates that the Liberals may lose significant Sydney seats in the...

Polling indicates that the Liberals may lose significant Sydney seats in the 2023 state election as Perrottet fights to hold onto power

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

According to polling gathered by Australia, the Liberals face a threat of losing a number of crucial Sydney electorates at the state election in March.

The polling, which it is believed Labor received, was conducted in November and concentrated on five seats in Sydney’s west, north-west, and south-west.

Winston Hills, Holsworthy, Londonderry, Riverstone, and Penrith were the electorates, according to Tuesday’s announcement by Australia’s Political Editor Andrew Clennell.

Labor would be in the driver’s seat to form a minority government if it took just five seats away from the Coalition. To form an absolute majority, Labor needs a net gain of 11 seats.

The 93-seat lower house of New South Wales is currently made up of 45 Coalition MPs, 36 Labor MPs, 9 independent MPs, and 3 Greens MPs.

According to the polls, Labor leads the Liberals 55-45 in the Winston Hills constituency, which was renamed from Seven Hills before the last election.

Mark Taylor of the Liberal Party is running for Winston Hills after winning Seven Hills in 2019 with roughly 56% of the two-party preferred vote.

The Liberals are currently only ahead of Labor 51-49 in Holsworthy, where the incumbent Liberal MP Melanie Gibbons was not re-elected.

Polling also showed that the party continues to lead the Liberals by a slim 51-49 margin in Londonderry, which is held by deputy Labor leader Prue Car.

Labor behind the Liberals 52–48 in Riverstone, a nearby suburb, while the two parties are evenly matched at 50–50 in Penrith.

Stuart Ayres, a former vice-president of the Liberal Party, currently represents Penrith.

A second survey conducted in Penrith revealed that 37% of respondents approved of Premier Dominic Perrottet’s job performance, while 41% disapproved and 21% were unsure.

In the seat, 32% of voters disapproved of opposition leader Chris Minns, while 30% were unsure. His approval rating was 38%.

In Penrith, 33% cited inflation as the most crucial concern, followed by the economy (17%), and health (15%).

On March 25, voters in NSW will choose whether to give the Coalition a fourth election win or to put Labor back in power for the first time since 2011.





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