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AustraliaDetectives are worried about the welfare of a Melbourne lady who has...

Detectives are worried about the welfare of a Melbourne lady who has been missing for a week

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A Melbourne lady whose friends and family have not seen her since last week has reportedly raised worries for her welfare, according to the police.

Friends last saw Dakota Lee Nagel, 24, on Sunday, January 8.

The Missing Persons Squad has taken over the case since, according to the police, the disappearance is thought to be out of character.

On January 8, Ms. Nagel and a group of friends left her Doncaster house at around two in the morning.

After that, they went to several places with permits in the Prahran and South Yarra neighborhoods of Melbourne.

A police spokeswoman said, “Dakota parted ways with companions she had been with earlier during the latter part of Sunday afternoon on January 8.”

Since then, “she has not spoken to friends or family.”

The next Wednesday, Ms. Nagel’s mother filed a missing persons report for her.

an image created by combining two photographs of a blonde woman.

The police spokeswoman stated that “[Ms Nagel] has a large group of friends and frequently frequents licensed places in the Prahran area.”

Although she occasionally won’t contact them for a day or two, it is unusual for her to go this long without getting in touch.

Family members were “worried sick and her puggy furbabies are distraught,” a family member wrote on social media.

They wrote, “She would not have abandoned them for this long.”

Since January 8, according to police, Ms. Nagel has been seen in the Prahran, South Yarra, CBD, and Southbank neighborhoods.

She was last spotted with her pals wearing a hot pink crop top with a Playboy bunny emblem on the front, but authorities think she may have changed since then.

She has blonde hair, blue eyes, and a small frame. She stands about 157 centimeters tall.





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