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AustraliaA manhunt is in on for stolen Range Rover wrecks many...

A manhunt is in on for stolen Range Rover wrecks many vehicles in Sydney’s west

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

A gang of people who struck several cars in Sydney’s West overnight in a stolen Range Rover are being sought by N SW Police.

When a white Range Rover failed to halt on Wentworth Avenue at around 4.40 am, police officers and the dog squad were patrolling Wentworthville.

When a driver was backing out of a driveway on Dunmore Street, the stolen car struck a Toyota Corolla, pushing it into a parked Audi.

According to the police, the Corolla’s driver suffered only minor wounds.

According to a statement from NSW Police, “the Range Rover then slammed into numerous unoccupied parked automobiles and a trailer, forcing one of the vehicles to crash into the front gate of a building nearby.”

The Range Rover’s passengers got out and made their getaway on foot.

Police claimed that despite searching the neighborhood, they were unable to locate the suspect gang.

The Range Rover is thought to have been taken from a Granville residence.





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