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AustraliaA 19-year-old man is accused of using a nail gun to fire...

A 19-year-old man is accused of using a nail gun to fire two drivers on the M1 motorway while he was in the passenger seat of a Mitsubishi truck

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Police have filed many offences against a man they claim used a nail gun to shoot at passing cars on a busy New South Wales highway.

On Monday afternoon at 4:10pm while traveling northbound on the M1, officers received reports reporting two drivers had been shot with the construction tool.

They learned that a passenger in a white Mitsubishi truck had used a nail gun to shoot nails at other cars in Lane 3 of the highway near Somersby.

A 57-year-old man driving a white Mitsubishi sedan with the window open reported being struck in the right arm by a flying object as a truck passed.

A second man driving a Toyota RAV4 reported to police that he briefly lost control of his vehicle after feeling something hit the top of his head.

He saw the passenger lean out of the Mitsubishi truck before the passenger is said to have fired missiles at his car, shattering the passenger side window.

The truck was still traveling down the M1 when police were notified.

When officers arrived at a commuter parking lot on Sparks Rd, they discovered the car.

A 19-year-old male fled the scene and leapt over a wire fence as they began speaking with the truck’s occupants, according to police.

Capsicum spray had to be used by the police to take the adolescent down.

Later, he was brought to Wyong Police Station where he was charged with two charges of being armed with the intent to commit an indictable offense, two counts of assault resulting in actual bodily harm while a party in the same room, two counts of malicious damage, and an outstanding warrant.

He was denied bail and must appear in court on Tuesday in Wyong, Australia.





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