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AustraliaSydney man sought by police in connection with woman's murder is detained

Sydney man sought by police in connection with woman’s murder is detained

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Following the discovery of a woman’s death at her west Sydney home, police detained a man sought on an active murder warrant.

In connection with the Sunday discovery of Dannielle Finlay-Jones’ death in a Cranebrook residence, an arrest warrant was issued for Ashley Gaddie, 33.

Gaddie was brought into custody after midnight, according to NSW Police, after being located at Wentworth Falls in the NSW Blue Mountains on Tuesday afternoon.

On Sunday about 2.30 p.m., 31-year-old Finlay-Jones was discovered in a residence on Borrowdale Way with critical injuries. At the scene, paramedics declared her dead.
Police suspect she had been with a man she had met on a dating app previously.

The house belonged to friends, and it was disclosed to the police that the woman was residing there.

While they mourn the loss of their daughter, her family has asked for privacy.

Although her family appreciates the interest from the media, they have asked for privacy during this trying time, according to a statement from the police.

Finlay-Jones’ previous employer at a preschool in Peakhurst characterized her as an enthusiastic and committed teacher.

We send our sympathies and heartfelt sadness to Danielle’s family and friends with the utmost devastation.

Danielle was not only an enthusiastic teacher at our service; she was also a very gifted educator who devoted her career to genuinely wanting to make a difference in the lives of young children.

“Danielle was a fantastic friend to many people, including us. She will always be remembered for her outstanding personality and gorgeous smile, which have touched many hearts. She will be sorely missed and the loss of such a beautiful spirit is terrible.

Before being transported to Katoomba Police Station, where he will be charged with murder, Gaddie is anticipated to undergo assessment, according to a statement from NSW Police.





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