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BangladeshPM to BGB personnel: "Nation never wants a repeat of the tragedy...

PM to BGB personnel: “Nation never wants a repeat of the tragedy of February 2009”

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Today, Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) members were urged by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to carry out their duties with the utmost seriousness and to uphold discipline at all costs.

“The most significant driving elements of any disciplined army are discipline and the chain of command. Never stray from the rules. Follow the line of command and fulfill the allocated responsibilities, she advised.

The premier was speaking at the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) Day-2022 parade at the organization’s Dhaka headquarters.

In 2009, Sheikh Hasina claimed that only 52 days had passed since the founding of her government when an unimaginable catastrophe struck. The entire country anticipates that such an atrocity won’t happen again, she said.

The PM sent condolences to the grieving families and prayed for the salvation of the martyred souls who died in the catastrophe.

The PM was welcomed by the Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan, the Senior Secretary of the Public Security Division Aminul Islam Khan, and the Director General of the BGB Major General Shakil Ahmed upon her arrival at the location.

At the BGB’s Peelkhana headquarters’ Bir Uttam Anwar Hossain Procession Ground, the premier observed the parade.

A few chosen BGB members received the BGB Medal, President BGB Medal, BGB Medal-Service, and President BGB Medal-Service from the PM in appreciation of their valiant and exceptional contributions to the force’s many activities.





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