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WorldQatar says information in the Belgian corruption investigation is false

Qatar says information in the Belgian corruption investigation is false

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Apparently based on “inaccurate” information, a Belgian probe into a purported attempt to sway the European Parliament, according to a Qatari official, might “negatively” affect relations between the two nations.

An official from Qatar’s delegation to the European Union issued a statement on Sunday in which they maintained their earlier denial of any wrongdoing allegations.

The statement read, “Our country has been exclusively criticized and vilified, despite the fact that Qatar was not the only party implicated in the probe. “We have watched with great anxiety this week’s selective denunciation of our country.”

Moroccan interests are reportedly being looked upon in the probe.

The ambassador continued, “It is profoundly unfortunate that, once they were made aware of the claims, the Belgian government made no attempt to engage with our administration to determine the truth.

Four people have been charged in Belgium after a series of raids, according to investigators, turned up about 1.5 million euros ($1.59m). Among them is Eva Kaili, a vice president of the Greek European Parliament.

The money, according to the prosecution, was a component of a Gulf state’s influence operation, which media outlets eventually identified as Qatar, the nation that is currently hosting the 2022 World Cup.

The European Parliament decided to bar Qatari representatives from attending last week. Members also suspended work on legislation pertaining to Qatar, such as a visa waiver for citizens of Qatar and Kuwait visiting the EU and an aviation deal between the EU and Qatar.

On Sunday, the Qatari envoy criticized the actions and said they were hasty.

“The choice to impose such a discriminatory restriction that limits communication and cooperation on Qatar before the legal process has concluded will have a severe impact on ongoing debates surrounding global energy, poverty, and security,” the ambassador added.

The message also emphasized how “close” Qatar and Belgium are to one another.

The statement read, “Our countries worked together during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Qatar is a significant LNG [liquified natural gas] supplier to Belgium.”

Following the arrest, Kaili, a socialist who was formerly regarded as a rising Greek politician, lost her position as vice president of the European Parliament. She was also expelled from the socialist PASOK party in Greece.

EU lawmakers have cautioned that the allegations run the risk of compromising the legitimacy of the union.

Qatar has maintained that its government “works through institution-to-institution engagement and operates in full accordance with international rules and regulations” ever since the claim first surfaced.





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