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AustraliaAfter his mother was killed, the boy tragically acts

After his mother was killed, the boy tragically acts

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Because he “misses her so much,” the little son of a lady whose boyfriend stabbed her to death pleaded for the exhumation of her body.

Ellie Price’s body was found in her bedroom at her South Melbourne home on May 4, 2020.

The boy was only four years old at the time.

After the 26-year-old failed to return calls from relatives across the state, police conducted a welfare check and discovered Price with stab wounds and a slash to her neck.

Her lover Ricardo Barbaro escaped to New South Wales and was apprehended ten days thereafter.

As of September 2023, he had been pronounced guilty of murder.

Danielle, who is Price’s sister, spoke before Victoria’s Supreme Court today, saying that she is now caring for her nephew, who is still emotionally scarred from the murder of his mother.

I just tell him the truth because trying to explain it to him is so difficult.

He is curious as to why he murdered her.

He killed her, but how? Price stated this in a statement meant to help victims.

Since he misses his mom so much, he requested if we could find her and return her.

He will give anything to have his mom return to him.

He lies down to be close to Ellie when we visit her grave.

He often expresses his reliance on his mother.

The eight-year-old Tasmanian nephew of Price’s sister was bullied at school because of the death of his mother, according to Price.

‘You haven’t got a mum, your mum’s dead,’ and other cruel comments spoken by other students at school have tortured him.

“This profoundly impacts him and deeply distresses him,” she remarked.

“How do you answer to a child asking why his mother isn’t here anymore?”

“This is a pain you can’t describe, an emptiness you can’t fulfill,” she told the court.

Her words carried weight. Since you departed, my life has been in shambles.

If a parent is writing this, who should it be? Not a single one.

“These days, I seldom ever visit my friends anymore… They’ve learned not to ask me anymore because I always answer no.

From October 2019 until her murder in which she died from numerous stab wounds, one of which was across her larynx, Price was in a relationship with her killer. Barbaro abandoned Price’s Mercedes Benz at a property in Diggers Rest, northwest of Melbourne, after she died.





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