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AustraliaA vibrant and courageous man who passed away in the hospital following...

A vibrant and courageous man who passed away in the hospital following an attack in Melbourne’s central business district has been remembered with wreaths and honors

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

One guy has passed away after an attack in Melbourne’s central business district; tributes have been given to his family.

Andrew Truman, a resident of Seddon, was returning home on Wednesday when he was allegedly struck in the head by an unknown assailant.

The 44-year-old was transported to the hospital in a serious condition after suffering severe head injuries; unfortunately, he succumbed to his injuries later on.

Andrew, whose nickname was “Chewie,” was described by his brother Trevor as a “vibrant, independent, courageous man who was unafraid to be himself.”

“He was a marvellous and fierce supporter of the LGBTQIAP+ community and a proud gay man,” according to him.

When it came to karaoke or dancing, he had no qualms about taking the lead.

“May we all have at least an ounce of his flavour.” A “passionate” fan of the Western Bulldogs was another thing he was.

This was described as “a deeply sad day” by Wyndham All Abilities Football and Cricket Club, of which he was a lifelong member.

“His passion for football, particularly the Western Bulldogs, was contagious, and he was always up for a friendly conversation,” Williamstown Seagulls FIDA FC said in a statement.

Like clockwork every day, Truman had gone to the Clocks tavern on Flinders Street before the attack to drink milk and listen to music.

Following the horrific assault, homicide squad investigators have issued a public appeal for assistance in locating Todd Menegaldo.

Detectives have searched extensively over the past few days in an effort to locate him, and they are hopeful that someone may provide information regarding his whereabouts.

The thin-built Menegaldo is said to be about 180 to 185 centimeters tall.

According to the police, he owns a black-and-white Staffordshire terrier mix as a pet and goes by the nickname “Rooster” as well.

He’s a regular in Mildura and Bendigo, and the Melbourne central business district, especially the neighborhoods surrounding the Flinders Street and Elizabeth Street train stations.

His final known attire consisted of a dark pair of pants, a beanie, and a purple zip-up sweatshirt.





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