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AustraliaTragic turn of events as driver allegedly ploughs into crowd at Melbourne...

Tragic turn of events as driver allegedly ploughs into crowd at Melbourne park rave, resulting in the death of a woman

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

In a Melbourne parking lot, a vehicle slammed into a gathering, killing one woman and injuring another.

At approximately 1.10am tonight, police were sent to a raucous gathering on Glenferrie Road in Kooyong.

Police at Sir Zelman Cowen Park saw a car slam into a crowd as they arrived.

It’s known that the motorist was accelerating while reversing.

A woman from Clifton Hill, who was 24 years old, tragically passed away at the scene.

A second woman, who is 26 years old, was also injured; she is in stable condition after being sent to the hospital.

Another individual was struck, but fortunately, they were unharmed.

There was a rave going on nearby, and another one was supposed to be in that same spot, but it got shifted at the last minute.

Is it the reason the group was present? The police are looking into it.

Police have detained and are questioning the driver, a 23-year-old male from Sunbury.

Authorities are trying to determine if the fatal crash was caused by factors such as speed, drink, or drugs.





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