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AustraliaLeader of the Victorian Opposition, John Pesutto, embraces leadership opportunity

Leader of the Victorian Opposition, John Pesutto, embraces leadership opportunity

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

To reporters today, Victorian Opposition Leader John Pesutto declared his intention to remain in office despite any challenges to his leadership.

“Bring it” was the message the Liberal leader sent to anyone thinking about running against him. For the past three weeks, Pesutto has been consumed by his ongoing defamation battle with Moira Deeming, the former member of parliament.

Several Liberal lawmakers are allegedly planning to oust all four party leaders next Tuesday, as reported in The Age.

“I think it’s up to people who may wish to do something in the coming days to make that case,” added Pesutto.

It is up to them to decide if they do.

So long as they bring it… The party’s constitution grants the right to do that to anyone who desires it.

AThis comes following Pesutto’s assurance to the journalists outside of the Federal Court that his position as chief executive officer was “stable” just seven days prior.

He has already claimed that his leadership has received no criticism from within his party.

Today, Deputy Opposition Leader David Southwick backed his leader, Pesutto, and told reporters that he was “confident” everyone in the party supported him.

“I’m backing John, as you would appreciate, and I have nothing else to say,” remarked the man.

After former premier Daniel Andrews resigned, the Coalition saw an increase in support, according to recent polls.

The opposition has been steadily gaining ground in the polls for the last year, and they have surpassed Labor in the primary vote, maintaining a lead of 10%. In the contest for preferred premier, Jacinta Allan’s lead has shrunk from twelve points at the end of last year to only one point over Pesutto.

Last year, Pesutto became the party’s leader after his predecessor, Matthew Guy, stepped down after losing three consecutive elections.

He won the leadership campaign by a razor-thin margin.





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