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Australia'One in a million' father's' death from job accident prompts massive donation

‘One in a million’ father’s’ death from job accident prompts massive donation

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

Barry Breslin, a parent from Perth, died in a working accident last Thursday, and tributes to him are still coming in.

A concrete grate struck the fiance and father of a three-year-old when he was working at a site on the Mitchell Freeway in Greenwood.

Royal Perth Hospital received Breslin’s frantic care, but he did not survive.

Breslin relocated to Perth, Western Australia, in 2011 from his hometown of Donegal in northwestern Ireland.

Breslin touched the hearts of many, according to a message issued on behalf of his fiancee Melissa, son Tommy, and family.

“He was always up for a laugh, whether it be greasing the door handles of a digger, giving yoghurt as sunscreen or being there to celebrate with his family and friends,” according to his relatives.

There was no one like Duke.

“He was a family man at heart and a loyal friend to many around him, he will be sadly missed but not forgotten.”

Since its establishment on Saturday, a fundraising has gathered almost $587,000 to support Breslin’s family.





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