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AustraliaUnit complex fire in Thorneside claims life of girl, leaves woman missing

Unit complex fire in Thorneside claims life of girl, leaves woman missing

প্রকাশের তারিখঃ

After a series of townhouses were engulfed in flames east of Brisbane, a woman in her 30s went missing and a child tragically lost her life.

The terrible fire killed eight-year-old Raven, and family caregiver Stephanie Ryan is presumed gone.

According to Mark News’s understanding, the fire occurred in Ballina, New South Wales, while Raven’s stepfather Matthew Glen Rodgers-Falk and mother Chloe Louise Davidson were in the area.

About 7.15 in the morning, fire crews were alerted to two properties on Bayside Court in Thorneside that were heavily engulfed in flames.

The inferno was so intense that it could be seen from multiple suburbs away, and it quickly engulfed the units.

Courageous neighbors came racing over to douse the flames with hoses and buckets of water.

“I’ve got my own kids and I just kicked into gear,” said Zac Benjamin, a neighbor,, speaking to mark News.

The roof of the multi-story building fell, leaving the surrounding buildings burned and thick smoke billowing out of it.

According to Chief Inspector Karl Hahne of the Queensland Police Service, the units were “burning very hot” and many attempts were made by both first responders and neighbors to gain access to the premises.

“It’s a confronting scene for all emergency services, and I’m quite sure for the residents and our hearts go out to the families affected by this,” said Hahne.

We give props to everyone who helps out a stranger when they’re in a jam.

“For the next few hours and even the next couple of days, this scene will be an ongoing investigation.”

It could be days before the cause and origin of the fire are confirmed because investigators are still unable to safely reach the area due to the intense heat of the fire.

Authorities do not suspect foul play as the fire’s origin.

In addition, a man was transported to the hospital due to smoke inhalation.





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